Swamp Wars
Arts and Sciences events
Questions regarding A&S competitions should be directed to Lady Helga Vilhjalmskona (uglyeliza08 at gmail)

All competitions will be available both online and in person. More detailed requirements (including documentation formats and deadlines) coming soon.

Marinus Baronial A&S Champions

Their Excellencies of Marinus Delecta and Paganus will select their Baronial Champions. 

Display - Who Lives in the Swamps?

Any items of fine arts or poetry/story writing to represent mythological creatures or spirits living in the swamps. 

Competition - Swamp Burial 

Replicas of any items that were found during archaeological research, pre-XVII century. No limits to culture or location as long as it was found in a swamp. 

Competition - Swamp Countries Living and Being

Many countries are literally covered in swamps and must adapt in unique ways to survive in those conditions. Gadgets, clothing, food and whatever you can think of!

New World Personas Display Tent

Display your creations based on a Period American native or indigenous culture. Tent hosted by Dona Ilhuicacihuatl de Xochimilco, called Yzma.